Parent Governor Vacancies on the School Governing Body
The term of office of three of our parent governors has now ended. Nominations are invited from any eligible parents who may wish to stand as a parent governor. Parents play an important role as members of the governing body. The governing body work in partnership with the head teacher to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school. Parent governors are volunteers who wish to make a positive contribution to the school and the children’s education. Parent governors stand for a term of four years. Training is available for all governors, some elements of which are compulsory. The process involved in appointing new parent governors is as follows:
Parents are informed of vacancies;
Nominations for potential parent governors to be received in writing;
If more parents volunteer than there are vacancies, then a secret ballot is held;
The school community are advised of the successful applicants.
If you are considering standing for parent governor and would like to discuss the role in more detail please feel free to contact the head teacher. If you wish to stand for election the nomination form, personal statement and declaration are attached. Please return any nominations to school by 3 p.m. on Tuesday 8th December, 2020. If there are more nominations than vacancies the election will be by secret ballot. If that is necessary, details of the ballot procedure will be sent to all parents.