Message from Ms Pritchard-Jones
I am missing you and I’m thinking of you all. I hope you’re all well and staying safe.
It’s been lovely to see some of the activities you’ve been doing through the Hwb classroom.
Please contact school if you can’t access Hwb.
All the Foundation Team send their best wishes to you and your families.
What a very busy week! World Book Day and our St.David's Day celebrations. We have been reading and enjoying a lot of stories and singing a lot of Welsh songs.
We have also been practising our number recognition and formation, going on a number hunt around the school to find places with numbers and places that could do with some numbers.
We have been enjoying Disgo gyda Do ( Dough Disco) strengthening our fingers whilst learning lots of Welsh commands.
We have been collecting objects and sorting them into groups, giving reasons for our groups.
Outside we have had fun in the puddles! And we have been testing out how different liquids move.
We have been allowed to choose what sort of activities we want to do and a lot of us have asked for opportunities to put on shows. We love doing a show in the classroom. We have been building lots of different things with our new construction materials. We've been learning how to upload our pictures to our class Seesaw account and to make a Pic Collage of our photographs.
Thank you to all the families who have competed the homework : pictures to follow. For more information please scroll down this page.
A message for parents, on behalf of the children:
It’s been a very busy start to the new school year for the children of Dosbarth yr Aran (Nursery/Reception). We’ve been busy playing in all the different areas of the Foundation, showing all the teachers how well we share and talk to our friends. We’ve been singing, dancing, junk modelling, painting and pattern making. We’ve been threading and sorting, building, creating stories and listening to stories.
Also we been introduced to our new project ‘Journeys’. Together we’ve talked about our favourite journeys, packing a suitcase for a holiday, made lots of different roads and tracks for our toy vehicles to travel along, and created the inside of a train carriage. We’ll be doing lots of things linked to ‘Journeys’.
We have been practising our counting.
Nursery 1-10 and back again.
Reception 0-20 and back again. Counting in twos and in tens.
We’ve been practising counting to ten in Welsh, too.
We are learning the days of the week and the months of the year. The letter sounds and how to write the letters of the alphabet. (lower case). Also we have been practising writing our names.
Please help us to learn by continuing to read lots of books with us and playing lots of games with us.
Thank you.
They learn about:
A Message for Parents, Grandparents and Carers
On behalf of the Nursery/Reception staff team, thank you all for your support, messages and kind words throughout this last academic year.
Best wishes for a fabulous summer,
Ms Pritchard-Jones