Wow! Another incredible week of fun and learning!
We have been developing our control, muscles and concentration by hammering golf teas into fruit and vegetables, then weaving with wool between the various golf tees. It has been so much fun. Our garden beetroot had gone too hard too eat so it made a tough material for us to hammer tees in to. The beetroot juice dribbled out and dyed the wool we were weaving. Apple juice squirted out of the apples that have fallen off Miss Jones's tree at home. The smell was amazing. Some of our garden marrows had grown for a little too long so we used two of them as well. Obviously, we would normally eat our food. We are fantastic at hammering and our weaving skills are getting a lot better.
Our phonic knowledge just keeps on growing and growing. We often share our work with Mrs Jones, our Headteacher, who is very proud of our hard work and determination.
Some of us have been sharing descriptions of our Mum's with our teachers. Lots of the mums are great huggers, smell lovely and have various coloured eyes and hair. Some mums were described as very strong; other mums were tiny. Some mums enjoy snuggling in their dressing gown, one had hair to the floor. (All of the mums were loved and liked by the little person describing them. It was gorgeous).
We have been blowing and chasing bubbles, counting how many we popped. It was very tiring trying to pop them all because the wind kept blowing them too high. We had to be quick if we wanted to get them!
We have been sharing our sorting skills. Our teachers were very impressed with our organisational skills. We sorted everything!
We've been bark rubbing in Forest schools. Top Tip- rub hard with your crayon to get a good pattern on your paper.
We've been listening to lots of stories. We ask for our favourites again and again.
Our teachers are very pleased with our attitude and our enthusiasm.