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New Curriculum in Wales

Education is changing in Wales

A new curriculum is being developed for settings in Wales. The new curriculum  will be used through-out Wales by 2022.

What's changing?

The whole approach to developing young people aged 3 to 16 will change. The new curriculum will have more emphasis on equipping young people for life. It will build on their ability to learn new skills and apply their subject knowledge more positively and creatively. As the world changes, they will be more able to adapt positively. They will also get a deep understanding of how to thrive in an increasingly digital world.  

Meanwhile teachers will have more freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for their learners.

The purpose of the new curriculum is to support our children and young people to be:

  • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  • enterprising, capable contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

It will have six areas of learning:

  • expressive arts
  • health and wellbeing
  • humanities (including RE which should remain compulsory up to age 16)
  • languages, literacy and communication (including Welsh and modern foreign languages)
  • mathematics and numeracy
  • science and technology

It will also include three cross-curricular responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competency. 

More information can be found by clicking on this link:
