We have been working hard on our ‘Talk for Writing’ project- learning the words of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and using the signs we’ve developed to help use remember each bit. We’ve made up our own characters to ‘hunt’ to show how imaginative we are and we’ve set up a small world version of the story to practise our storytelling skills.
We’ve been revisiting Making Ten, looking at different ways to add two amounts together to make ten. Nursery have concentrated on Making Five. We’ve all been sorting coins and playing in our role play shop. We have used our Welsh language skills in our shop.
Our model making skills and group work have been further developed by our vehicle making this week. We’ve improved our cutting and design skills by making windmills. We have used loose parts to make huge vehicles outside to take us to far off places. Quite a few of these vehicles had the ability to go over land and float in the sea.
We’ve learnt the skills needed to catch a ball and investigated things that roll in a straight line.
We re-told the story of Moses, being placed in a basket and floating in the River Nile. Miss Jones said we all were fabulous actors, especially those that played the Pharaoh and Moses’s mum.
We have used our free choice time to practise and perfect our skills through our play. We have had lots of fun. We have especially enjoyed the finger gym activities which have included nuts and bolts this week!
(Next week PE will be on Monday afternoon so everyone at that session needs their PE kit. Also, please could everyone bring a pair of wellingtons to keep on their peg, Thank you)