We are incredible!
Ms Jones showed us some balance scales and we had a little chat about how we thought they worked and what we could do with them. We put stones in each side and watched it tip up and down like a see-saw. It was nice.
Then, she gave us a coat hanger, two plastic cups and two pieces of string ( not the best gifts ever) and put us into groups. She told us that we are amazing, we are incredible, we are inventors.
After she had given us an idea what an inventor was, she told us we were going to make a balance scale with the stuff she'd given each group.
We weren't so sure- especially when the teachers said we had to do it by ourselves! We looked a bit stunned for a minute then got to work. We talked about it and turned the bits of stuff over and looked at them- very carefully.
Then we drew some plans on a big sheet of paper; everyone talking and sharing their ideas.
Then- we all made a set of scales in our groups. The teachers didn't need to tell us what to do-we worked it out.
Each group's scales were a little different from the others but they all worked!
We are inventors!! We are incredible. Ms Jones was a bit loud with her cheering.
We've been creating enormous firework pictures outside. The teachers told us we had to 'Throw with force'- well, we are very good at that- so we were splatting that paint on with huge amounts of force. Then we sprinkled a bit of glitter on.
We have made safety videos about Bonfire Night. We've watched each others videos and had chats about how good each one was- the best presenters spoke loudly, remembered the useful tips we'd been told and put a bit of humour in there. Some of us got a bit forgetful as soon as the camera went on. It was like a weird spell- so we had a little practise without the camera.
For our pets, who might get frightened on Bonfire Night we designed 'Cosy Corners'- it was so lovely, talking about our pets or the animals we like. Our Cosy Corners were amazing and showed how caring we all are- and how important a cuddle can be for a frightened pet.
We have also made 2D rockets with shapes and then with fruit. We ate our fruit rocket but all the shapes got put back in the box- no one ate them. It was interesting to try and copy our shape rockets with the pieces of fruit.
We have also made our own craft rocket and danced like a fabulous firework outside. We've completed many tricky challenges in our 'Challenge Zone' ( formerly known as the 'wet area'.) Heard stories, both in English and Welsh, built complex castles as part of our Welsh lesson -( we are all coming along brilliantly with our Welsh!) and used the Magi Ann app on the Ipads to read different Welsh books.
This week's favourite book has been The Pig of Happiness. We have loved this book and have talked about our own happiness and how we make different decisions that affect how we feel. We were very pleased to hear our teachers say that we make them very happy. We wrote our own version of the story- The Worm of Happiness.