Foundation Phase
Maths at KS2
In KS2 maths is broken down into what we call objectives – small chunks of learning which children need in order to understand maths in a range of every day / real life situations.
- Each method that children are taught builds on previous methods like building blocks. Each new concept lays the foundation for the next. As children’s confidence within maths develops they move onto the next stage. By the end of KS2 children have a bank of methods which they can draw from and choose to use as appropriate to help them complete mathematical problems.
- In KS2 a lot of the maths we do is linked to real life situations. Children need to be given a range of real life situations in which to embed their developing maths knowledge.
- Maths in KS2 is no longer so much about completing a page of sums. Children completing a page of sums doesn’t necesaarily tell you that they understand maths. Being able to explain, reason and discuss the maths in a range of real life situations inform us how much each child understands.
- Children need to make decisions about appropriate methods and strategies, choosing whether to use a mental or written method, or whether a calculator is necessary. Emphasise is placed as much as possible upon developing mental calculation skills. These are still required when completing written problems.
- By the time children leave primary school they are equipped with a range of strategies which they can develop even further at secondary school.
Quick Ten
You may have heard your child talking about 'quick 10'. Quick 10 is an activity undertaken most mornings that involves the children completing a 10 mathematical problems. The activity is an excellent lesson starter and revision aid. See the attached sheets which outline many of the concepts covered in 'Quick 10.'