Clwb Cylch [#ClwbCylch]
During the period of the Coronavirus pandemic, Mudiad Meithrin is contributing to Welsh language activity in the home by providing open sessions under the banner of ‘Clwb Cylch’ (#ClwbCylch) for children of nursery age and their parents via digital platforms. Particular emphasis will be placed on children from families where Welsh is not spoken at home. From 1 June, a session will be held every Monday to Friday morning at 10.00. The session will be based on the experience of a fun-filled session held at the usual Cylch Meithrin with an experienced Cylch Meithrin leader, using Mudiad Meithrin’s language immersion scheme, ‘Croesi’r Bont’ and Mudiad Meithrin’s CPD training department, Academi. The daily sessions will be 20 minutes long, and each week will have a different theme.