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Autumn Term with Mrs Simon

Here are some of the learning opportunities that have taken place with Mrs Simon this term.
Reception and Nursery have enjoyed listening to the story of "The Great Pet Sale" by Mick Inkpen. They decided they wanted to create a role-play pet shop in class. "The Pink Pet Palace" was made! 
We used the book as a basis for our Numeracy and Literacy work this term. The children have enjoyed lots of imaginative play, taking on the roles of different characters from the story and making up some of their own!
As part of their Mathematical development the children have been recognising and naming different coins and sorting them by shape,colour and size. The Reception children have been buying items from the pet shop using the correct amount of pennies to pay!
The children decided they wanted to make a giant game of snakes and ladders! Nursery set about painting snakes and ladders of different lengths and Reception carefully painted numbers 1-20. As a class they came up with a set of rules for the game! The final result was fabulous! They used their ordering number skills to set up the game in class. They really enjoyed playing the game and we hope to invite parents into school for a games afternoon next term!