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Estyn Inspection 2017 Summary


During their time in the school, most pupils make good progress from their starting points and a few pupils make very good progress. By the end of key stage 2, they are confident, thoughtful and articulate and enjoy learning. They have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and apply their knowledge of these well to solve mathematical problems. They apply their literacy and information and communication technology (ICT) skills well across the curriculum and take pride in their school and their work.

In general, teachers provide interesting learning experiences that help pupils develop a love of learning. These are often linked to interesting and thought-provoking story-books that help pupils explore a wide range of topics and emotions. However, in the foundation phase, pupils do not have enough opportunities to practise their skills independently.

The headteacher is passionate about meeting individual pupils’ needs and seeing pupils mature into fully rounded, capable learners. Staff work together to support this vision effectively. The school is outward looking and makes the most of research and professional development opportunities to improve standards of teaching and learning. The school uses its pupil development grant particularly well to support vulnerable pupils. The governing body is very supportive of the school’s work. 
