Christmas Concert: Due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to invite parents and other family members into school to see a Christmas performance this year. Staff are currently working on plans to make a short film which we hope to be able to share with parents. Photographic/digital images permission form has been sent out by text - please return by 3 p.m. on Monday 30th December.
Party Afternoon: We are still intending to hold a party afternoon during the final week of term. Children will, of course, need to stay in their bubbles, but we still think we can have lots of fun. Our usual special visitor will be sending a virtual message this year. Further details to follow.
Christmas Cards: We usually have a post box in school at Christmas time for pupils to be able to give cards to their friends. We will not be having a post box this year, as cards pose a risk of cross contamination. We will be doing things in class for the children to share goodwill messages. If you save any money by not buying cards and/or would like to give something to a worthy cause we will be collecting items for the foodbank. From the 1st December we will have a donation box by the school entrance.