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We've had a very busy half term working on our topic 'Up, Up and Away'. This half term the children decided that they wanted to learn all about things that fly.

The children were very interested in how aeroplanes were able to fly and what they were made of, so we were lucky enough to have a special visit from Airbus to answer all of their questions.

We have also looked at hot air balloons, kites, rockets and different animals that fly.

The children worked in groups on projects based on their questions, and as a group they decided how they could research to find out the answers to their questions. After researching they then decided how they were going to present their findings.

As a result, we had the Rockets using PowerPoint, the Aeroplanes using iMovie, the Kites using Chatterpix and The hot air balloons using the green screen. Please see some examples of the children's hard work below.

The Aeroplanes iMovie

Still image for this video

The hot air balloons using the green screen.

Still image for this video

The Kites using Chatterpix

Still image for this video


Still image for this video