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1st February 2016

Marvellous Me
This week we are remembering what is was like to be a toddler.
In PE the children moved over various obstacles as a toddler would move and described the different ways to travel. Then we read and acted out some poems with lots of movement words.
The children worked in groups on their own toddler poem.

Go to Bed!
Go to sleep!
Oh! Oh!
Stop giggling and crying
Wiggling and squeaking
Rolling about.
Have your milk
and your doe-doe.
Don’t bang your legs.
Stop walking off!
Don’t go under the bed!
You’ll bang your head.
Time to curl up instead.

I was delighted with their wonderful efforts : some of the children went off on a poetry tour of the school. Mrs Rostron and Mrs Jones were very impressed with the poem, and commented on how proud the children were of their own work.

We are working hard on addition and subtraction this week. We try to use lots of different activities to practise the skills needed, including number formation and recognition.

On a Monday, the children in Reception spend some time ( on a rota basis) with Miss Vicci in the garden, and Mrs Stanton- learning about global issues. The small group working with me concentrate on practising basic skills and building their confidence.

As part of our circle time, we are sharing our experiences of feeling sad and someone cheering us up. We're making thank you cards for the people who cheered us up.

We practised our Welsh reading skills, reading in a chorus a Flic a Flac book.

We are learning about important babies in RE and this week we have shared the story of Moses. The children were such fabulous actors, I asked them to present the story to the whole school. The ones that performed were wonderful, the whole class was proud of them.

In the Nursery outside area, the children have been crawling, jumping, zig-zagging their way around an obstacle course. Miss Maureen has been very impressed with the physical skills shown as well as their ability to change and adapt the course to include new challenges.

We have been investigating sound: how far our voices travel and increasing that distance with a megaphone. The children were thrilled when they took their megaphones home.

As part of the enhanced provision, the children have had an opportunity to make a vegetable super hero. This activity was very popular.

Well done, Nursery and Reception- another superb week.