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17th /18th March

We listened to the story of 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell and used the owl puppets and props to re-tell the story. Reception children enjoyed writing about their favourite part of the story. It was lovely to see their confident attempts to write independently and some wonderful illustrations based on the story too. Group reading on Friday was based around the author Martin Waddell. We read 'Farmer Duck' and 'Owl Babies'. The children loved the repetition in both of these stories and responded well to questions at the end.
In Forest school the children were set a task to create a nest for the owl family to live! They used branches, twigs and even remembered to add grass, leaves and feathers to make their nests cosy! (just like the story!) See photos below! Fantastic effort from everyone! 
After listening to 'Owl Babies' on the interactive white board, the nursery children set off to create their own owls using their own individual ideas! Some chose to use play dough, others painted and added some feathers! A giant owl was also spotted on the grass outside! Amazing work! 
In maths this week we have been sorting the farm animals into different groups. All suggestions came from the children. These were..... count their legs, can/can't jump, by colour, fly/can't fly to name but a few! They watched a clip about baby animals and sorted the animal pictures into 'adult and babies'
Nursery also sorted the animals into groups, according to the type of animal they were. Once they had grouped the animals they enjoyed some sensory play on the farm!
This week our class challenges were to work with our peers as a team. Children completed a giant farm animal jig-saw, which required using their thinking skills and sharing ideas.